It is a fact that most mental health professionals do not understand the depths of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and have definitely not be trained to treat the survivors and victims of it.
To the contrary, our founder Shaliss Padilla, MA, LMFT specializes in NPD, Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery for the survivors and victims of abuse by individuals and/or families with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
As a survivor of narcissistic abuse herself, she has the personal and very hands on experience, of recovery and healing, from the pain of being Narcissistically abused. As such she holds other victims of this type of abuse near and dear to her heart. She also understands the magnitude of NPD academically, and as presented by the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), as well as described in internet pop culture.
Due to her years of training and her own experiences healing from this type of abuse, she knows exactly how to go about the business of getting one’s life back effectively and permanently.
Individual Counseling for NPD Survivors – is designed for individuals who are experiencing or have experienced, Narcissistic Abuse by a person(s) with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In counseling, clients will be able to process the pain and finally feel heard and understood. Clients will learn about Narcissistic Personality Disorder terminology/characteristics, Complex PTSD, assess for Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome, “no contact” or “low contact” strategies, discuss safety, separation/divorce exit plans, recovery/healing techniques and other effective approaches. Clients will learn how to become a NPD Repellant, resist “hoovering” tactics, deter “flying monkeys”, recognize gas-lighting, and much more.
Group Therapy for NPD Survivors (Online and Live Meetings) – is designed for individuals who currently, or in the past, have suffered Narcissistic Abuse by a person(s) with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, who wish to seek counseling in a group setting. In group therapy, members will be able to process painful feelings, feel heard, supported and understood by other participants who survived similar abuse. Psycho-education will be provided regarding NPD terminology and characteristics, “no contact” and “low contact” strategies and other healing/recovery techniques will be taught.
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