Narcissistic Abuse Survivor Recovery Support Groups

These NASR groups sponsored by Mindbodyology are designed for Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse by a partner/spouse, friend, parent(s)/sibling(s), family of origin who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The groups help members emotionally heal from Narcissistic Abuse from a mind-body holistic perspective. There are various groups offered, for various different topics dealing with Narcissistic Abuse. The groups are offered in person at local group therapy room and via Online Zoom Video, at various times and dates.

Get Your Life Back Under Control

In various Narcissistic Abuse Survivor Recovery Groups we offer, members will learn the basics of NPD (from DSM-5 and pop-culture) and will be able to take their knowledge of this disorder to the next level. No-contact/low contact strategies, self-differentiation, and other effective techniques for dealing with toxic relationships, and healing and recovering from this type of abuse will be learned.

You may apply for membership by clicking on the link below and then registering. Once you are accepted as a member after answering questions, you will then be able to view all support groups and RSVP to the ones that interest you.

You will be able to process your feelings and experiences, compare notes, and exchange ideas with other group members and licensed therapist/facilitator about how to overcome the pain, in a safe and supportive environment.

Get your life back under your control! Re-gain self-esteem. Cease co-dependency. Stop ruminating on the abuse. Learn healthy self-love. Escape the emotional roller-coaster Narcissistic Survivor Syndrome. Lose the narcissist. Find yourself

Support Group Details

Please click here to see all group support details and apply for membership.


Request membership to our private Facebook online support group here.

For more information about Group Therapy dates and times please contact by email or phone to inquire and/or apply for membership using link listed above.

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